dark chocolateHaving a balanced relationship with dark chocolate may have an essentially positive affect on your overall health. This strong dark chocolate contains cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and sugar sometimes. All the dark chocolates are loaded with multiple nutrients and they can positively affect your health.  It can improve the health of an individual and can lower the risks of heart diseases. A good quality dark chocolate with a high cocoa content is quite nutritious and it contains multiple minerals and a decent amount of soluble fibers.

A 50-gram bar of dark chocolate with 70–85% cocoa contains:

  • 6.5 grams of fiber
  • 89% of the RDI for copper
  • 98% of the RDI for manganese
  • 67% of the RDI for iron
  • 58% of the RDI for magnesium
  • It also has plenty of phosphorus,
    zinc, potassium, and selenium.

Dark chocolate can benefit you in the following ways:

Dark Chocolate Increases Heart Health:

The cancer prevention agents in dark chocolate have been shown to  decrease the chance of clotting, lower blood pressure, and increment blood circulation to the heart, bringing down the dangers of stroke, coronary heart infection and passing from heart disease.

Dark Chocolate Balances the Immune System:

Flavonols avoid the immune system from going into overdrive and lower the oxidative stress, which is an imbalance caused by fight of the cells against free radicals and a common cause of numerous maladies.

Dark Chocolate Combats Diabetes:

Epicatechin safeguards cells, makes them stronger and help in the processes that help the body to utilize insulin better, which might avoid or combat diabetes.

Dark Chocolate Improves Brain Function:

Flavonols present in dark chocolate have a positive effect on the functioning of brain, also includes better reaction time, visual-spatial awareness and stronger memory. In spite of the fact that the research is progressing, one reason for this may be that flavonols increase blood stream towards the brain.

Dark Chocolate Boosts Athletic Performance:

The epicatechin present in dark chocolate enhances the generation of nitric oxide in the blood, which helps in circulation and decreases the amount of oxygen an athlete uses while, engaged in intense work out. This allows the competitor to maintain exercise concentrated for longer.

Dark Chocolate Reduces Stress:

Individuals who ate dark chocolate reported that they felt less stressed, and analysts confirmed that after eating dark chocolate, there were decreased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. This is related to dark chocolate’s impacts on health of heart, since stress is a dangerous risk factor for cardiovascular infection.

Dark Chocolate Protects Your Skin From the Sun:

The bioactive compounds present in dark chocolate are also great for your skin. The flavonols present in dark chocolate can protect against sun damage, improve blood flow to the skin and increase skin density and hydration.


To keep up with our latest findings on the benefits of dark chocolate, follow the WorldChocolateDirectory.org’s “Chocolate Health Benefits category at 


Check out our recent feature where world renown doctor and author Steven Gundry weighs in on dark chocolate: 

If you wish have more help or have trouble controlling what you eat, consider seeking help from a enrolled dietitian nutritionist like Dr. Gundry or other qualified wellbeing professional.

Author: Chocolate

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